Friday 16 September 2011

Sarcoszy and Cameron are in the visit blowing up UN

The Premier and the President take have better to lie.
When you had been in the visit you make changes the city name in the Africa.
One had been divert acting place for another place, or to be clear Benghazi played role of Tripoli in time when is clear that large part of Tripoli has not yet in the hand of pirates.
In splendid action over the act position in the Benghazi some men had made war crime, when they against resolutions of UN take position at land of Africa. Even they made protection over these two guys.
Now its time to say that position of UN is same like it was in the 1930-es of 20th century, when Hitler and Mussolini made positions for wars in next ten years.
The devoid country whose reach with oil isn't nice place for investors.
But even NATO haven't power to bombing Africa more than several months.
The money is over, the power is over and only stay time to some be involve at finale comedown.
And finally, you cannot have all about two millions kilometer square with people who come to told that "Islam must be supremacy". Now is totally clear that the both premier and president made help to created new fascism! Like Chamberlain and Patain at 1938!
And of course, make these lies better.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sahara eat democratic oil

The lost theory are coming with same illusion that is possible to moving up into new round of mediation between non existing movement and other who are in the somewhere. In trying to prevent involving so much from east at local markets, specially at oil market, some come from the West in the miss mean ideas to blowing up everything.
But what is happening when the pronounced "criminals" step at charges and have power to protect self position in the time to move so hardly at hart of aggressors?
Now we can saw that both western lieder haven't knowledge to move in the real policy with situation which have same effects what like it produce elephant in the ceramic shop!
Now they are have the real potent crisis where they are have not questions "what to done in the situation when finish of some actions is going to prolong in the future without real time to be finish"?
In this time they, but not only they have real problem because the winter is at the door and no one have knowledge how it have going to be dark and cold?!
In this moment they need new pipelines, but only what they have is coming from Russia, and it positions isn't bypassing real successive. That mean the real time in the winter clashes with Kremlin.
But in the perspectives to loss,for they. The same way is in the so call new African democracy,where the war is lost and some guys come to be icons of new era, era where south come to beat north-west!
And both lieder must stop to take have clime for toy. Europe lost thousands of billion for it in the war with weather against Sahara, and who going to pay it, and the insecurity at the field. These ideas for new oil routs for the old continent now have much high price then oil have it ever.