Saturday 25 September 2010

Who has true over what?

The Iranian President has one more occurence to tell everybody the truth. The Truth about the mystery of one man and the change of the World.
The Jewish state in one time has fall into trouble, and only chance to stop to vincible them was to produce animals in the Islam.
Islam hasn't positions against anybody, and it is religion come from same positions like it was the Holly Bible and Talmud. But reason to broke it connections stay in the way of power over oil and more that it in the money transactions. Whose have some circle in the Israel IDF.
So call democratic state Israel is more than every state in the World, autocratic despotic state with army ruler over civil society.
I the states where some modern movement are in illegal position against the state offices and policy, situation isn't better then it is in Islamic Republic of Iran. The orthodox Jews come in the hostage take power over all Israelis, and make situation on the field so bad that so less people have favor to live in this state.
Hates and miss understood of the Holly Talmud have make blowing up system in the society like Israel's must be. In this time hasn't differences with despotism in the neighborhood.
The Iranian President true has true only if Israel hasn't like is now. But in time where IDF have training over new war or wars, true lie in the non publish news how situation in the Jews population really is.

Friday 17 September 2010

Stay into history

The big problem of UE stay in the so call great states,which has positions like they have same position in the World like it has in the history.
Colonial era was gone in the history, and today is time to more of them tell it self that they hasn't real potential. Because they are so small and with biggest problem than that it has them former colonies.
With industry into dept,with banks without money, and social system base at positions from century before last century they want to bring money only for small groups. In this way some of Presidents made political suicides,like them leader A. Hitler.
The Presidon has more at more problems because he want to tell all of us that they( French government) have full dependency to broke international law without sanctions.
But we must tell to them that they lay at deist of lies. And that have right to be make in prisoners in the ICJ. Everybody who do what they do most know that history must stay where she is!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Take have Sarcozsy at court in Hagge

The short man, and long difficult politician the French president Nicolas has real problem to learn a law. And History, too.
He and her advisers have the problem to use real mind specially after all at world ask for clear position of EU.If they have thinks that they are not poise with democracy than they have real problem with french law system, and Constitution,too. But EU with self constitutional idea, liberty for all, on the European soil,too.

If they mean that France is Republic for only one person or establishment they have problem with opinion in the World, and they have position on the court where they must going to be trial against humanity and because they made restitution of Vichy, and Nazi regime in the occupancy. Same like Nazi lieder and in the modern time some butcher from Balkans states.

All personality in the World try something from little Sarko, who do opposite from them trying,in believ that no one has power to take actions against somebody who aren't nice advocate and who have personal problem because some of them grandparents come from Gypsy population.
But, time is to France and world have take look at real power of democracy, and that on this way ask others to make democracy at a home.Bring Sarcozsy at court!