Friday 13 August 2010

Way for reconsideration

Today we have the reason to step up against some theories about blood and God. Some theories whose give a power to so much persons who haven't a real knowledge over the needs of all on the planet Earth.
You can have title like a President or king, but on both level you must have knowledge about real meter around you.
Without a real information and perception over situation in the field you must have courage to tell Urbi et Orbi that you must have take step down and that some else have right to change you in a position. If you make power against an real mind and potentials, disaster is so close and you have a potential like Titanic in the final touch.
Situation at economic and others positions into arena is like some similarly in the finale of Roman Empire or few moment before blown France's revolution.
Something must be change, and it must be change so quickly. Economic relations in the World must take have new money in the relations at market. Economic position of societies must be change at the new order. Protections of North must be remove from goods who come from South. East must have right to buy something like it have West, too.
And of course, in the World can not have exist several social orders, from feudalism which has some Arab states to liberalism in the US and his satellite.
New order mean not clear unification, but mean that people have universal right to live and be pay for your goods.
Out of that we can take have new big war.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Afghan war and Taliban's officers in D.C.

The trying something into Russian's Taiga isn't so nice business. Not so nice for somewhat try to going to be calling a great democrat and first minority presenter on the presidency.
If some have right to find so nice positions into Taiga it is a bears and wolfs,but others wild creatures,too. It is there's home.
But what try to find some guys in it, if they haven't home place at Taiga? Is it some volunteers who are in a tourist trip or a some else?
If we have had problem in the Middle east, and we created problem on the Far east, are we in the charge to protect self national interests at the another position in the World?
Have some right to remove soldiers from fronts, if it mean illness and fullish attack against other co-partners in the job at the field? Have we power to protect self from allays who are not learn much from the past?
In the WWII withdraw from a front of some ally can made disaster for the peace in the World. War against Taliban isn't war against Afghanistan, but some gays who are leading it, making it like the treason.Making it in the war against Afghans!
How have right to put in the charge the persons from the Administration who haven't the personal knowledge about history and geography, who are fool improve at technical resorts of US army?
Changes at top must be the quick and pains. If it not going to be done, it mean that President haven't real power at the House. And it is the big disaster.
In this solution the responsiveness personality in the some part of actual Administration with cooperation in the woods fire in the Russia, step up to burn the all of us. And to on the end going to making the US power less then ever before. For long, long time, forever.
Same is at Lebanon-Israel border. Us can have only one enemy, but must have more useful allays. Not created from the self positions,but make on the true and democratic dignity.