Saturday 15 May 2010

EUBRD and mistakes of the consolidation

The crisis come from the people who had not courage to protect system from attacks out of business,and market, too.
This people come from part of dark side of politics and they have only one reason to exist.
In the theory, the situation which have now, haven't real answers on the questions, how to fix open problem in the economy now.
The total bankruptcy even in the EU zone still stand and it isn't fix, not at all. Because, no one have knowledge to tell the true. Capitalism need changes and it did all time when the crisis came over industries in the West side of planet Earth.
Today messages whose come from institution like it is EUBRD is big mistake. If some give the massages that savings and small spending is kee for faith the crisis, they accelerating the crisis, and doing same like an doctor tell a strong ill man or woman that they can have better health condition if they take aspirin.
EUBRD has't good position to tell anybody what is good not only for EU, but for third world, too.
This bank must did some things much early than it doing now. They haven't position to make real decisions because they dismissed the theory and order in the money industry whose come from India and Bangladesh.
The new future of markets and capitalism stay in the micro net system of commercial support in the industry and of course into sociality order,too.
Only people, a lots of them can have make money for consolidation of the market in the World. But it is possible only if they have money into pocket.
Than this money can take have positions in the tax and social program.
It mean,a money must have be take on an micro level for more and more people, on the less interest rate. And on the transparent way for use.
The cost of money, and invests is now big problem for companies. But if some make industrial moves into self place of live, than it must and is good way to make job,money, and than make spent a money in the preindustrial move to be make an ordinary industrial products.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Crisis come from the South

What is the crisis in Europe? Why it stay worst than it everybody believe?
Today the Old Madam has the most big problem came from the past. From the people who haven't much life to stay like warinesses of "Cold War", but they come from the families which have contacts with old era.
This population of fifties and seventies old man and women was born in the domestic role families and have now the best position to make the mission of his fathers and mothers in today and future.
Situation is same from Czech Republic to Greece. From Spain to Portugal.
The population so call "Red Bourgeoisie" now have the power in the most countries at the European east, and not only there. In the some old capitalism country like Greece and Spin we have in the position at the political power old oligarchs who are in the power over tree hundred years.
In the both situation stay positions of not changes situation at the field, because "the situation at continent have not good proposals".
The Red Bourgeois at European East and fascist oligarchy at he south have same methods of ruling.
No one who have a new idea or who come change situations in the domestic social things cannot take the power, and against self have conspiracy made from policy to journalist.
If this reformatter in some time to have need make have obligate with state than they do everything to blowing up it, and made for them a lots problems.
The different view in the South and southeast cannot come in the power even because the old guard of politicians and this families have controls over public services and officers.
The pressure over public servants and officers they are making openly, and this population with judges and prosecutors are army and the bullet whose are using for the elimination of non same mining persons and groups.
They have strong involving into crime process at the streets and of course use it in the so call political battle against self "enemies".
It is so strong present into Balkan states, specially into Bulgaria and Croatia. But not only. The Bosnia and Herzegovina is made like feudal despotic state. And over others Balkan states rolling the criminal process into other western states.
In the first named states both side of political power scale have groups for elimination. It mean that in the struggling for power some guys and groups even in the same party take methods which look like totalitarian's regime methods. To broke self enemies.
They do it even they lost democratic fight inside of party or if they try to took power like minority over majority at the same place.
In this they don't have look who are in the point for removing at place.
From old people to invalids they make same to remove persons from the life.
And in these, they are doing same like did it them fathers in the fascism and communism era.
Without remove of this mastodons from public life Europa cannot have better future and good now. This populations come to broke modernism and of course to broke in this way the European idea.
Crisis still resist if no one step up and openly have move against revisionism against bourgeois revolution.