Saturday, 20 March 2010

Between green power and Great War

The situation at Africa is more complicate than ever before. Today we have the problem whose step in the the point of world's problem.
This is problem of energy, and of course,problem with solutions of hungry.
Millions people have this problems and no one organisation, neither the big state have power to broke it.
But, if we look at on the problem we can have see how much this problem is problem for all of us.
This is contractions between all nations, without some safety from disasters which stay behave there business of self protections or protectionism.
If some states have solutions to protect only self population or they have a file that they have strong will to change a something wrong in pollution situation, it has big problem for not only them,but for all of us, too.
Non EU, neither USA or other develop country have right to make selfish protect programs or a program of power cooperation in Africa.
It mean that only OUN and the world organisation has the exclusive rights to be moderator over new energetic cooperation between modern north, and of course modern south.
Energy of the nature, like green energy of sun, water, dust, and wind is the point of not only to going to have be use for energy producing only, but to be the level of more industrial recuperation. Way how the global economy can come out from the crisis.
The only way for the new road of progress stay on the way of interaction between global economic freedom and on the place to African states have such point in the green industrialization.
Without that, the World step up in the chaos and an next great war. Not only an state against another state, but the humanity against domestic planet Earth.
Money only can have make in the new technology. Create in the North and produce on the South.
Earth must have the future, and humanity must have reason to live, without stress.
American's crisis, Greece's bankrupt, the China's ecological problems, and non democratic economy in the other point of the Planet have only one key to have be fix.
The global currency , global economic law, global plans for develop, and not less from security protection, even small from big states.
On exempt,if we have problem with peace in the Meddle East the States must have power to push on peace not only Arabs but Israelis,too. And than they must make positive role over protection of justice in a way when some person or states step up with sue against them, but it mean Russia, China, Brasil,the EU, and more other.
The liberal capitalism can only one way.
Money without control is a power for big disaster.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The President of party of drugs

Today is the time when a informations can't stay away from public opinion. Today we can see and take everything to come a true.
If some want to stop information than they have risk to be call non democratic. But what is happen when some politician want to stop criminal police to prevent and than make oder at some place?
This is situation in the some place of Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, but not only at Balkan!
Today isn't the problem in the regular government but in the opposition parties.
In the BiH this problem make have in the some little areas around the border with Montenegro, and Croatia,too.
Problem at the border in the south-east,BiH has because it is a non controlled area.A area with high mountains and canyons, black woods, and very quick creeks and rivers.
Problem at Croatian side is in the local situation around the border. The same population, and territory which nobody want to look at it like different states.
But real problem stay in the some part of territory of Croatia. The town Sinj area is most specific problem. In the area has a lot traffic of drugs, specially over young population, which is most without any occupation.
In this situation comes some local and states politician with self promoting motion, but no only with it. They have self reasons to make situation at the field in the control. It mean that they have knowledge about everything, but they do nothing.
Situation is worst when some opposition high ranking politician it use to made have order with police in the oppositions, and self party to made have it against party and political opponents,too. The "job" they no split up with local gangs, because it is legal, and protect actions. No one have power and courage to step up against it.
In this situation some people come in the some political party membership to take have some slash of this "legal job".