Tuesday 19 January 2010

Controled earthquake?!

Today isn't nice place to live is Haiti. But this place had created from some guys in the States, and this guy done everything to stop progress and development on the Hispaniola!
Here isn't nice to see troops from the States whose come and take positions all over Haiti. Is it new American dream or nightmare?
United States or politicians of the States haven't knowledge over history and real situation at island of Hispaniola. About power of poverty and old religions, about people which have not real change for normal and decent life.
Nor have one reason to tell us how the earthquake was come?
Future still take progress, but history need to be without any questions, if they want to be secure in the power.
What is necessary to tell is the true. A big explosion with not one reason have came from a oil pump in Mexican Gulf. Somebody made mistake and than he has put more pressure into oilfield, what cause pressure at "a bubble" of natural gas field. A mix made have catastrophe.
Explode "a bubble" at eighth kilometers into deep, like domino effect.
It made the catastrophe,but not know what is other step into domino effect. If we take mathematics, than we can see that in this moment new place of starvation can be onto American middle west. Somewhere into Sent Louis.
IT can be tectonic light bomb which can take have change over Mississippi river, and than over industry and agronomy.
If somebody don't stop to blow up the planet in the Mexican Gulf, than picture from here in the Haiti, can be domestic problem for the States politician.