Monday 14 December 2009

On the crisis with total war

Present situation on the conference in Copenhagen have one old mission at world's policy. It is old policy of colonial supremacy and now have new way in the new world order.
In time when most power country stay at on the brink,and when one so call most popular president has problem in the war against Iran. No one of this states or their presenters at the conference has real power to tell true others.
Now, can anybody in the planet policy have take something against real problems in the status of planet disaster's time?
No one of politicians in the so call modern West have courage to take advantage against pollution and climatic changes.
It is problem not because have nor existing modern and "green" technology, but because they are presenters of pollutions, and they are involving in the some of more than bigger lies against modern population.
When they have take measure against humanity they doing it not because they have not sensibility, but because they are still stand in the pocket of most powered local companies, which haven't money to change situation in self production.
This not much more power companies try to still stay in decision circles, and to have power role in the local policies in the Europe,but in the north America much more,too.
Today if stay and wait at home,we are in the dangers to be a assistants of this neonazi clubs over the West.
This clubs are involving in the more than dozen rigid politic decisions, where have minority and other peoples at a table to be eat in the massacres at long way over the planet.
In the back stage of the conference stay a some political cocktail.But in the plural resistance the planet can be safe.
It is ironically that so call protectors,who's take have all to broke self in the wars in the Meddle East, and who's have good relations with Nazi groups do everything to build hate against Islam.Put it on the top of agenda, over peace and prosperity of the planet.
They do what Hitler done in the past. On crisis with war!