Friday, 27 November 2009

Dont do troubles in the House

Have anybody possibility to think that a war in the World isn't possible even at power in the White House stay the black men?!
In the situations where economic experience have stay away of reality and when true American financiers stay in a trouble,the White House has only one measure to protect American so call stability and it is a WAR.
The President and first lady no one time have positions to look up how much they are less in the power. How they have small potential to protect themselves from determination,because they have people which try to make some goals at political and financial global arena.
They are not in the charge to make a some mistake and they haven't true power to recall this.
But, it isn't mater of point. The point is true tries to have troubles from people at American top political side.
Without success in the Middle East. With no more powers in the emirates and other Islamic popular friends, thy have real problem to make money for self and than for US.
This time when strong words come over world about climatic changes and each day problem in the seismic activities all over the Planet, one type of politicians in the middle of the planetary policy stay up to have new toys for people to try to make have lost mind and to have change the political wive over domestic problems.
Iran is the new toy for peoples to make have this lost of the minds.
Even they haven't real technology to make the A bomb, they are so popular to make so call little troubles for all, the reason for that is in the geographical positions.
Iran is so long from US that it haven't be problem for domestic security in the States.But it can be nice for long wive at some cable networks. The nice toy for popular amnesia.
Everything is prepared for first battle in the Golf. The Army is have more than half of million people in the regions.
A squadrons operated inside of Iran more than year, and stay to prepared situation for changes.
But even in this ritual some people make a lots mistakes. Now they have real problem with the Golf States, and poverty inside of glamor. With revolutions whose comes from city suburbs,and from a low ranking armies positions in the Arab states, they must does some quickly and a big.
But it is impossible when you have the President Nobel price owner.
This Price the President has had because once time it is used to prevent the war.
And owner of the Price hasn't real person to make a goal in the new war.
What is at track is one type and one more crime.
Have they power to remove all from path to change the history? Or they risk to be remove from power like Napoleon or Hitler?
Liberal democracy isn't nice if that hasn't protections of liberty from so call big persons. This capitalism system is off, and time is come for some new. But not is time to have change it with new the war.
Army positions in Afghanistan, and the Gulf stay not in battle positions against rebels in the regions but opposite.
The history has had true story which give the one true point; each war start easy in the glory and than finally drop in the ashes. In a both side.
But this will be first time, where so call big power can lost everything.
Dollar is history, the US economy power is it,too. And only real change in the state is point for recover.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

How Gypsies not guillty for all crimes in S.Europe

Today or not only today we have problems at some areas into south east,south and central Europe with low range crime.Whose made from one or several persons,possible from minor population to persons from mayor groups. Or when have it at one territory, than mayor groups take or try to have revenge against specific ethnic groups like it is Gypsy at south and central Europe.
Not one time we have situations where this population violated law, but more than ones we have situations where they have central positions onto crime top lists, because local authorities don't doing more to prevent crime in the local society. The Gypsies are minority, possible minority at "brink", but it isn't reason to they have a point place at crime list for all,what have happen in a community.
In the north part of Serbia at Vojvodina north regions around towns Sombor and Subotica,we have more and more problems with crimes against minor's propriety. Specially where it have oldest households or where live two or one persons in it, too.
Of course that local policy no more stay over this crimes, but not do more to prevent it. It is viable in presents less policemen at countryside than it is necessary.
And because, police have less equipments than they need,too.
But quick actions in this cases is necessary take message for all into community that crime isn't good business and too ease,too.
Only with it and when they have quick prosecution against real thief,but with no mercy for them,too.
South and central Europe can have take better positions against Gypsies only at this way.
Specially at this part of Vojvodina, where not process at court every third case in this crime's group.
Of course that criminals must have take back goods from robbery to real owners in a full proportions in a goods or money,too.So quickly, yes it is necessarily for justice itself,too!