Friday 30 October 2009

Tehnologycal evolutions or what?

Have anybody right to tell that Earth have ill? Or humanity are have ill.
Special information which had come from UN that Earth have only twenty years for reconciliation or humanity have possibility to take have basement of history if every industrial country don't take measure for protections to have protect atmosphere is fully false.
Because, we can see that clime have is changes not only in moment of industrialization, but even in the time of wars.
Now is clear that war in the some part of Earth have more disaster point on the clime than it have some pollutions technologies in China and Brasil.
Today, one phosphor bomb or smart rocket have more dangerous for people and ambient than it have more than dozen tons of carbon dioxide. Now is total known that NASA does have more attack at planet climate changes than Africans nations togeder.
Have it knowledge in the some parts of global reconstruction Biro? Or everyone wants to take some part of history, without real necessity to move this situation at planet Pols on the better side of humanity?!
History have more than thousands examples how to stop climate change at this planet.Not have time to move some new at part of every mental protections. Time stop in the moment, when NASA did not had information of Pol magnetic changes,like one of reason which is main reason for situation on the this field.
Global ice have move on the water for reason known like demagnetization of global planet.Where stay more and more instability in the weather. Big thunders make have positions at large parts of Earth. It change positions of sea currents at global oceans an local seas,too.
This have direct move at global and local climate,too.
On at all, humanity have time to real take have positions over real change at planet, not to only stop to produce some pollutions technology, but to take preventions for more disaster.
Change at Earth's Pol systems,and currents, too. Make have possibility to human race will be push at brink of history.
Because that NASA, but not only have big reason to take the people onto this planet real information at real pollution which make new space technology. They must tell everybody that each satellite in the orbit is one big trash which have big implantation at planet atmosphere changes. That ever have be known way for launch is one big mistake, and reason why one rain cloud change rout.
The space trash in the orbit have same way at climate changes on the planet like it have production in Chines factory. Or we can see how production of energy in the orbit take have changes in the stratosphere.
All of it have reason to take positions to big countries changes mining on the technology evolutions in the time.
Earth need better population,then have it now. Population which know what is necessary to life be good and comfortable, without make have non known acts. Like pollutions planet sphere with some technics,they tell us a better.