Thursday 25 September 2008

Capitalism is gone?

Now, we have in the world an absolute mess. On one side exist mistaken policy from US administration, which try a some points in clashes with Iran and other non pro US countries in the World. On other side, exist potential less knowledge about real situation at planet Earth.
Both version of the story stay at predict that situation sure,will be OK, if other side don't make new mistakes.
But both side do it, every day. They have make mistake, when they don't take real care on interest report of prominent oceanography engineers, who's not vesper over planetary problem of sea current changes over only two year ago. Now, we seating on one ice bomb, which knock, every second in our non secure future.
Much prominent and so important sea current is changes a way of circulate, and now more than 1/3 world industrial potential is surround in the non economic conditions, at same places but this places isn't has the same climate situation like several years ago. In this conditions, income costs of transport, fuel , electricity is highest, productivity is less, and competition of final product is double than less, with price.
In that reason stay question, why economy still stand on level which was in past three decade.
Without a real invests in new technology, and in the cheap energy, much less polluted in produce of final energy.
In this moment, US hasn't right to abandon others to take measure to creates new power plants on the new technology in the world, but other side haven't right to make a some troubles in reach this new technology path.
It's mean that, US can make a more secure if take much more interests to take invests of technology and money in over sea countries, than it take war like subject of International Law, in correlation between sovereign country.
In position, that only oil is rich to make power at planet, blood is only payment, or money for prosperity, but for whom, and how long?
War over energy isn't real way for future, but it is need to some political oligarchy continually have power in hands. Isn't real example role for it, crisis at US court, where Vice President, is real governor of court, and US, too?!
Because, the real elected President isn't in mental and physics conditions to take and give responds on global questions.
And over Vice President, executive power have small group of reach officers and tycoons, which use global power of US to promote self influences, and to take public fonds to reaches self fortunes. In fogs of verbs that it is necessary to protect ordinary people and US future.
In the moment when thousands people every day lost jobs all over US.
Energy haven't real meter if we haven't place for live, or if it isn't same place, anymore and anytime.
War over Iran for so call democracy isn't public interest, not in US, nor in other part of world.
Problem of all is capitalism, which isn't changes hundreds years, and where technology haven't real meters.
Changes in markets and productivity is one part of all.Other part is in changes the neocolonialism mentality at commercial base.
More productivity,cheapest and non polluted technology invests over Africa, Asia and Latin America is way to capitalism take real place in the world history, but over that is history of troubles and wars.