Sunday 27 July 2008

Ideology for imbeciles

What is serious differences between to nations, Croat and Serbs? Both has problem with history morning and they have same way to try enemies in the world. They have epic lyric songs over heroes who have problem with law, sometime in the glory past. And both entity try some differences over other entity.
But in the history they did most simple same things, like mass murders or rapes over peacefully non combat population. And they have same way to make glorification of murders and tats, even in this modern days.
Because that, between this entity exist deal, that they do nothing against crime, specially war crime. It is food for imbeciles from streets and politically losers, which have only a way to exist in the public over hate and contra European measure in the society.
Different states, but same political measure, give a matrices for coexistent policy of ethnic tensions and cry epic poetry which build up glossary for ordinary criminals.
Policeman there was and is very negative person, but robbers and murder is in qualification for good guys.