Wednesday 30 April 2008

Miss opportunity

When somebody want to create the horror at politic scene. When they try to provoke an nightmare for more and more people at planet Earth. Now, when situation of disaster coming in the home garden, then this moment hasn't real name to give for disaster in which is domestic policy, army, and security like it is in States now.
The President took speech at press conference, and than stay to make the shit like many time before.
He hasn't power to stop oil price rise, and Americans must stay to understand that an price never going be same. In this trivial comedy by the President, many press makers haven't stomak to take part in it. They want to stopped at all, but fear is real course because they take some shadow places to start yelling on the President's speech.
Industry production in States hit the less ever level record in history. Nor even great crisis, have this disaster results at economy like this war crisis at field of Iraq and Afganistan. Neither production of moral attack by Condollisa Rice, Secreter of State, haven't an real power to remove pictures of fighting losses at Israel,and strong build up in power of Islamic movements at Meddle East.Where only naked American army presents have some involve fear scale at field.

But in the moment now, no one have reason to attack Israel. Because, it isn't productive in moment when America destroy all of power of influence at field, and when it have the real problem in domestic issue, attack at Israel is fullish. And it have moment to help America to remove pressure in Word at its policy. From agricultural policy to international organization to remove new imperial track in it. In situation when administration isn't in the nice position, and everything is worst than ever, censors and the secrets police have more and more job at America and West. Not to find terrorist but to stop opponents from the policy, which lost not the wars, but lost historical moment to take leadership position in world.

Saturday 26 April 2008

Croatian lost of history sense

In normal situation, where isn't possible to somebody clean history from memory of people, no one cannot stay silences about great victory in War World II, like it make official Croat policy and public in all on the 65 anniversary of Battle on Neretva River. Where 20 000 light armed partisans took victory over five time numbered and much better armed German Werhmaht, Italian forces and domestic naci loyalist from both side, Croat Ustasa and Serbian Chetniks. No one, one both former republic of former Yugoslavia take memory stage in Konjic and Jablanica to give pledge for heroes. Most of dead antinaci Partizan had born at Croatian coast in Dalmatia, which Ustase the sold Italian fashist in war began.
But today in Croatia and Serbia, too, ruling the same ideology based on nazi ideology, the Blood and soil, and because that memory at the heroes of Neretva isn't political opportune. In Croatia, many believe that Thomson, local singer isn't fashist, and that sing of him isn't pronazi memory at Ustasa NDH, marionet state during WW II. Neither Prime minister of Croatian government hasn't time to tell something of this traumatic memory when had life lost about more than 2000 fighters at partisan side, meny of them borned in Primer's native town Split.
Usase in new Croat state, assembly in notorious HDZ and they have connect with the far right groups in world, want to brash memory of self role in the last war, because they make it even now, when president of ruling party tell a members of HDZ, that they are super people, much better than other people in Croatia, and that their President of party is an prophet. Same words took Pavelic in WWII when Ustase forces killed thousands and thousands at Ustase non loyal people around west Balkan.
after all, who, have right to take call at an country which hasn't positive memory about WWII and heroes of antinaci army? Who in EU can take responsibility for an member state with filonazi memory and odious people who mean that they had lost in the WWII? And what is necessary to some from EU to take questions about real problem in Croatia, and Serbia, too? About memories from history? After that we can take something to bring this countries in EU membership's.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Israel's gone

Situation at the oil markets is not turbulent but it's out of any control. In this moment some from US administration take the part in attack against former President Carter, but she don't take some real and hopefully measure to change explosive situation at field, against Israel. In this county haven't real and progressive defense policy, and IDF haven't capability to remove any attack from all side. Even if attacking Palestinian Hamas from Gaza's strep.Israel haven't priority what exists in the past against neighbourhood.
Israel's chief of staff have not real respond on real asks. He has real problems with troop moral, and with army supply in tehnic and soldiers, because so many young Israels take away from army service. In this situation when Israel like unice allay stay without hope in front of most power regional powers like Iran and Islamic Jihad with Al Qaeda's in back, criticism over the negotiations between Mr Carter and Hamas lider is one more failure of Mrs Rice, whose hasn't real situation of America at Middle East. Today, position with large army depot in south Arabia isn't good for the national interests. Special when war in Iraq go on worst every day. In this moment the negotiation with everybody who have some influence at field is better than to stay and look at Israel leave from history scene.
US haven't real power to protect every part of world, where have the national interest. War is last method to make success in policy, but even than you take an victory, you must know that after that still begin negotiations.

Saturday 19 April 2008

Preparing for Revolution

Situation at Middle est is worst then that the news agencies give at net or ether. No one want to give a worst signals that war at Iraq and Afganistan going to stand worse over all loses in western history. Many soldiers died, lots of private is disable. Battle for battle is lost, many arms is desapiar on bater field. Command on field haven't real and propreally support of the hight command. Soldiers have order to don't make more move than it is need. Fire from the enemies is heavy and much more precise than ever it been. Here at Iraq a many of private take position for withdrawal from positions or they take to desert from the fronts and Iraq. Many of them take part in refuse in Iran or some else. Situation is much worst in north than south part of this country. Many of ordinary people never have hear about the real war between American soldiers and Sunni fighters. No news about tank destroy in open battle, burning body and more losses at the field. Chopper take positions on attack and than bang! Chopper is lost. They have a new arms and tactics. We are lost, but no in command took our request for withdrawal from this hell. Vietnam isn't so horrible like this. Body is over and over, one by one, and no one can move no a finger to be shot. Who in Pentagon have right to take our lives in a hands and give us dead. What is honor decorations after we lost our lives, for what? Maybe we have changes to do something, after this war, in US? This is not our war, but private war with state money and US army. This is non constitutional situation, and some one must to take responsibility for it. Only if we have take to protect US from them. It is means of many US soldiers in Iraq,and Afganistan,too.

Friday 18 April 2008

Two for one- money for nothing

Today come true from Atlantic ocean, from position of former seismic explorers from an British company in case to find lots of strategic component of planet. Not fined non in last few years, but neither fined at list moment than Petrobras not took place from this companies, on such declared like non profit exercise at Atlantic surface. In this moment, after Petrobras take full help from NASA, American Space Agency, they find such 36 million barrel of oil per day, oil produce. But in case where oil is posted it mean that produced is so expensive than order way to produce at land. And of course, question is who is real owner of it. Brasil or some else. No one can take real mean about that, but no one can give ordinary explain what Brasil can make with it. Petrobras haven't money to move big produce, and on other side is problem that, investment in this moment at real estate market in world, total nobody expect. USA which take more pressure to move in action Petrobras, now haven't money to support it. And on the other side is situation at Brasil's social issue. With crime which rise in geometrical progression and hungry at door, Brasil's President Da Silva isn't in position to make any capital move in oil resource. Yes, money from oil is good opportunity to remove more problems from Brasil's street, but with what? In other case, somebody else can come to take cake and than give a little of it to Brasil. In this moment fight between several big players in world is open. But in this moment controller of it never be Vice President Cheney, but some else. Petrobras will take money from some unexpected place. In this moment several big player move in cartel to take stake of it, and they have money to push Brasilian's state oil company at actions. It mean that strategy meet between Bush and Brown haven't noting but friendly tea break, after good lunch. No Bush, neither Brown haven't power to protect something what is real need for both to remove other big power from European stake. When some control energy supply for Europe, they control European move in the wolrd. And Who can be it? Is it somebody from other side of real life, or someone who is collect all oil supply at this planet, and who not step down from marriage with own wife?!

Thursday 17 April 2008

Everything is clear tonight! Bush first called Pope to visit US and then he give message to Brown to step up at trip to Washington to provocke succesfull meeting with Premier in White House. In this relation, Pope's visit to US is only made to provoke some extreme groups to attack Holly Father and than to be use to going growing attacks against the some marked target in world. But it is directed to provoucking some questions at field of religions relations, special between two major religions, christians and islam. And make great tensions on both side. But, claims of Pope to people in US, and over all world thismised any probe of two to use Pope in yours "brilliant" match against world terrorists, even again Iran what is big issue of two. In This relations it mean that Pope in your's visit at American soil is in custody, and that both Bush and Brown take all to keep Pope like hostage which is good product for negotiation with some hight position rank people in the politic world. Situation is similar like situation with Pope Avignon size's and in this method is used to prevent some oppositions to make something against at two at America. On other side both B and B used Pope presents in America to close plans for leave Iraq soon it possible, tomorrow maybe?!
They going to use it after Vatican not want to step up in deal to promote what see like crime against humanity. Pope haven't large army, but few words about crisis and other things BandB is planed to used for rebuild self thesis of terrorism and to the global needs to prevent strike gone in legal positions in prevent war again real, or non real enemies.

Monday 14 April 2008

Book like stone-story of Prosecutor Carla

Hope that in world, justice is one thing which make world a better place, today is gone. No one can stay and look at how many people is involve in crime against humanity. No one, can't stay and don't something, because file fair. Only actions against in the crime involve persons is good thing and only that, your conchest can be total fool, and you can be free. In situation where one book still grove up tensions at political scenes in world,and Europe especial.
One lady take position to say what she believe that is true and she start the big battle in which she can't lose. In situation where she have presence of domestic state that she can make choose over two different things, but bout same, she's faith not for self salvation but for all prosper people at the world. Swiss Confederation has problem with US over many decades. In principal of this starvation is money,and not money of USA, but money which come from natzi German over War Word II, after this money and gold stolen from Juden and other who have determination positions in camps for mass murder. In this battle between two country, and after push over CH prom USA to change policy over arabi's money in CH bank, book of former prosecutor in Haag isn't well come. This book closely give memo over the more non justice move in global policy, and of course, it mean that nobody can say that not know what real is happen in the Balkan war over past more decade. If it some try to do, they do it like criminals whose know more then they want to someone take in one message. One book is like stone whose broke fine mask of real politic, and give for more people good reason to thinking, what is something, what same gays, who try to stop one book call democracy.

Sunday 13 April 2008

How corruption stay at way in new Europe

Real questions is, what must happen at one state in Europe to somebody react on it? In many countries in Europe, people have less and less rights. From humanitarian rights to openly personal right to live and work without disturbance. People haven't security on a work place, no security in private life, because, more and more of them have fire that they can lost job and that they can lost everything if they try some right or if they make even little rumor. Mothers lost spirit, and children, because his must stay a work place more time for less payment. On other side, husband lost family because he cannot take more free time even he have right on it. No union, stay on way to change some things. Because they expect govern actions, and law protection from company boss. But in world, special in new Europe, they haven't political and social culture to make push on political parties who make political and up social life, on one way, and on another side exist American politic stile where parties take contribution from big investors and lobes than they haven't interest to make changes in common life of a state. On west part of Europe, is some different situation, but even here is problem with cooperation between gangs and politicians. This is big problem in many parts of EU, but not only here. More state candidate have great problem with inter fair. Law not stay equal for all. More people lost civil rights, status rights, and they cannot step up to be treat like human bean. If they have some health problem and if it is problem to they stay at any work place for all time, total unfitness, they must give money to take invalidity status, or they can stay at street without change for decent life, without money. In Croatia for example, but in Romania, and Bulgaria , Hungary , same, people wait many years to take status of invalid or unfitness person and right to take pension from state, but without contribution from former company for compensation at lost life and health. In many case state protect company managers and don't want take positive decision for former worker. In this situation, health of the worker going to worst and after all or many stay fatal. In this criminal act state again citizen no one in EU take none to put it in the way. For it in east Europe is high rate of suicide and criminal all weights, and because that is real impossible to cut corruption at all level in this place of Europe, at new member state, and candidate.

Friday 11 April 2008

Natzi policy in governament

Terrible situation ends American domination in the world, after many mistakes of President Bush and American natzi elitte, which formed vice president Dick Chaney. Blowing on all connections with China and Russia, too, actual administration at Withe House make many problems not only for future but even for today,for regular situation in domestic issues,too. Rise of fuel price, even rise price of comodety , especial food price, strength with credit crisis and more, and more bankruptcy in hi- tech industry, make situation in domestic field worst then ever it had been. Today live in the States is danger. No one have potential constitutional right, and everybody may be accuse for terrorism. Neither human right worker cannot take deferent position on ruling politic if want to at live real secure from potent accusation, that isn't good patriot. Gitmo is only place not only for some bad guy, but for everybody who have real different mean on situation in real politic issue. Junta with military lobby in State Department have reason to take steps against Iran, because they believe that only in action against this country they can safe not US, but self positions in administration.In this case, US is only collateral damage in fight between several riot group in the US policy. Some of them is so far right and more than fundamentalist orientate than many of guys who's step down in Gitmo.