Monday 7 October 2024

Israel cause heavy losses to NATO

 In final, the aggression at sovereign state going on and now have new phase in which NATO try to make gains at the soil. 

What happen in the area going to be different from these plans, and now they have same number flights from the battlefield, with this whom came to. 

Numbers personnel stay only several hours before they left it in coffins or in the hospitals from Turkey to Romania. 

At other side, so call IDF stay out of power and  it support by directly involve in the operation NATO forces. Which found how thy must recover position in the area with brigades who was split from Ukraine and what they had involved in battle against Russia. 

In the moment it was some necessary to did after found how the operation plan gone in the wind. 

In this moment, more than 12 thousand NATO soldiers try to give more gains against Lebanon forces, but it was no result, and now they only have heavy loses. In back of this forces stay some, seven IDF brigades, what have no communication, and supply to move self, closely to the front line. 

Even bombardment to Beirut came from the Greece and Cyprus and we have big surprise, what cause that Lebanon and other Ally did not fight them, to today?!

How it have right to say, we find in attack from Cyprus at Latakia in Syria, when several days ago eight fighter F-35 attacked post of Iranian proxy. And what was repelled in coordination Russian and Syrian forces. And what in total have result. One survived, other lost in the action. 

Here we are not take comment about Iranian punishment to Israel and NATO, specially because everything is clear, and we find in the operation at the field how so call Israel have no more power to move even "finger", and how much operation coming from US and UK, where they shadowed bombers in the regular passenger airplanes. 

IDF of Canadians who fly like Israelis have courage only to bombed "security cool" places. Other like it is now in Syria, where they have several direct hits in the planes, they not like to finish in job.

And what have to say in situation with regular kills at the prominent figures in their enemies ranges, it is that they have lost all contact with reality. 

The contact over MSM is same what in Nazi Germany have common people in contact with Goebbels propaganda. They try to make support to these action in the ME and other place in the Planet, where they have not to say on massive  non selected bombing at popular area, where stay killed hundred in moment. Against several injures in opposite attack on civilian areas,too. 

On different, we find full censorship what was coordinated from the same place in London, and have no place to find reality in the backfire in Israel and NATO. Where we have info how if last make a report about one dead it means real 17, and wounded is 1:23. These numbers is not so popular for domestic population, what have no so well mind at the all. 

In Ukraine it going worst and now stay 1:13 dead,1:124 wounded what have most dead in final. 

It mean how full casualties in NATO, what have Ukraine, 52 support state grow in the 1,23 million and not stay in the point. 

Of course, we have big expect about NATO attack against IRAN, specially to see how the East Commonwealth make react in revenge. 

We know what going to be, but now is time to find NATO and supporters.  

If IDF come to smash Iran, Iran have full right to going to bombing not only Israel, but EU, too.

Thursday 19 September 2024

NATO electronic agresion against Lebanon

 Nothing specially was happen in list several days what had no place to nearest history. If anybody want to find similarity with current situation, than same have to find in big explosion in Beirut port, after half of town was destroyed and where more hundred persons left dead, and thousands wounded.  

It was in coordination between Croatia, Albania and France, and had main point to broken a war between Hezbollah and Israel. 

In this operation everything was presented like attack from Israel special forces and Mossad, and how they had plan to did it, how and when done it. But, after all we find how it was only "smoke screen" to prevent declassification of main master mind, who was sit in the Paris. 

Everything is same like now, but this time for "hands in the field" was used NATO. This organization was and is full involved in all what happen in Lebanon, several weeks ago. 

We had info, how something was prepared at the base of NATO, or regular to say, UK forces at Cyprus. 

Their flights over more than two months ago, and their control push against Lebanon in demand that Lebanon Army stay more cooperative and to put at the clear use some bases in the country to be use at not only UK forces. 

Even, when they have no possibility to find success in the it, they have way to take activity in and around Lebanon to find what they try to have, a had of all Hezbollah operation.  

In base at south of Cyprus they have several thousand mercenaries from relative ally, who came from most of them, IS formations, who was prepared to make attacks against UK enemies, Russians in Syria, across Lebanon. The plan to be base for it's attacks. 

After plan A stay out of use, and after find how situation at ME stay more doubled to them, they take another operation way and sand previously named "mercenaries" in Russia, region Kursk. 

We said how it had combination of forces from NATO, Israel, and IS. And how they had been part of the mix corp with Ukraine forces. And how they had some 22830 personnel, most of them in mechanic units, communications,  and artillery,too. 

After all most power of this corps was vanish, and now exist only in 1/3 of all number. 

This situation, with several other seriously losses, push high command in London to start to prepare big operation to spit off East Commonwealth from the east Mediterranean shores. For these reason in coordination with US Central command they put at the island more electronic devices and take more generators to produce more energy for the first time take act in the sphere of communication.

All of this we have now like knowledge, and before we have only look at activities. But, all of this activity was silly or strange, and after find how they took more operation over east Mediterranean and west Asia, with support from US fleet near Lebanon shores, we was expected to manpower operation in south Lebanon with NATO forces, in Israel uniforms. 

But, microwave and ultrasound operation, wasn't in the opinion. Reason stay in how much energy need to be use for full scale of operation. It mean how they must have power from a nuclear reactor to did what they done. 

Israel like in previous operation from France, have not knowledge and power to did it. Even if they try to said how they have involve in the it. 

Israel even haven't power in the army to make any game against Lebanon, specially after their losses in Kursk, where they lost several thousand elite soldiers, and after they have losses in Mossad and Shin Beth.

They have only power to make trouble in Gaza or some parts of West Bank, but after Houti take place near their border, they have no one men to sent in north of the country. Or to make much trouble to Palestinians.

Houti forces came in the region after several weeks negotiation between King Abdalla and opposition in Jordan. What cause changes in policy of Jordan, and preparation to the King abdicate to the end of year. 

Israel now is in position where they had pushed from their ally, and this cage have only one way to them. A war what have had prepared in the west is only final point of destruction of so call globalism and militant liberalism. 

Out of energy, influence and strategic resources they have only way to push global war. But in it they have no chance to make victory. 

The Attack was prepared in London, what have several phases, where we had saw first, second was NATO secret "invasion" of Israel, and treed they going to be deploy near border between Israel and Lebanon, in case, where they expect that UNIFIL going to have same role like it was with UN forces in Croatia 1995. 

In all, the group of naval forces in operation named Eastern Bull,  have NATO group from US and Nederland marines, and support inair and communication from Cyprus, where group have mix of NATO member states, most of them from Baltic sea region. The group have 16000 soldiers and officers, and several thousand Syrian armed refuges in the north part of Lebanon. 

Yes, they expect that local Army do nothing,and how they have only businesses with Hezbollah.

The operation have point to going to take 16 days, and after that they stay at the new posts for no less half year. 

Even it was part of previous plans, like it was several years ago, when NATO take activity against Lebanon, and when in several days they lost hundreds soldiers and officers. Some of them after all was buy from the locals for huge amount.  

Now, Israel forces is out of use. NATO must take more troops at the foot and they have against self not only Hezbollah, but all East Commonwealth with allies. US must be clear that they no more have  the fleet. How they only have way in capitulation. 

And of course, London never ever took the operation,if they had not important support from the US top. Sullivan.                    

Monday 9 September 2024

Double bookkiping in EU and allies

 In the actually war what no much of observers try to named like WW3, and what in the western side of the Planet continually speak like simply war, stay a continuing, where one side at other side try to present success, and try to say how they have more power than they really have. 

In this moment when electricity produce in EU stay at level 72 percent in total, and where in real it mean 42 percent, new cold time in the year stay critical for not only industry, but for all population, too in EU.

It was suggested from situation in the main front for them, in Ukraine, where serve nuclear plants now have not power to made more export. And where they only have small power to make some supply to the local entity.  

Same situation going to be with fuel, where common policy at EU levels fall, and now each country member try to find some producer what is ready to give it in reasonably conditions. Even some of the member states use smugglers and bought it at the black market, mostly steal oil from Syria. And other things from the Chad, but in much less level than it is need. 

Other materials what they need to build war industry came from the Argentina, and several other LA states, but it was not naff. Even mass media made propaganda like these countries,NATO countries have more power and more ability to produce equipment for war.

But when you try to make comparative by produce in the normal industry, than you find how production slowly but continually month per month step down and now stay in the level what was in 1952.

It mean how industry in the West part of the Planet going to be put in war mode, and they are seriously preparing to make it in coordination act against Human rights. First, right at the personal integrity, than free speech, and after all close all free information in the lager of 32, maybe such more countries. 

Of course, it was in the field more than several months, and it was at the meeting table in the Belgrade negotiation between  Mr Nariskin and Mr Bearns.  After this negotiation stay clear how only way to stay in the line for NATO and EU, to growing war incursion in all parts of an society.

Mr Berns find how Mr Nariskin has these plans to stop each influence of NATO at Balkan, in all condition, and at all ways. Even if it mean clean NATO from Serbian province Kosovo. Or at other way with more influence in the Balkan states, member of these Associations.

The some exam of NATO power point in BiH, came like satiric role, where NATO soldiers at the field find fool fear in the many no where places across the country. And they find how some part of the equipment missed, mysteriously.

The same problem in the Poland have group Army W, NATO, after several thousand soldiers from this group missed in the action somewhere in the Russia. 

On other way, Russia has some problems in these operations, after they find how some of their officials and high officers still have contact with other side. Than is possible that some part of operation plans stay public to their enemies. Fix it is necessary to general  Gerasimov  to make all orders in the finish by 31 November. 

OK. All of this is clear to NATO and allies, and than they do everything to make pressure against Minsk, but with some mistakes in the calculation. 

We are back at economy, and see how industry productions, mostly all indications what have statistic data, came in the two different book. The first is to public, and second is for the establish group in each country. It mean, in the first book you have much better calculate data, than it is in the second book. In which you have find some interest information, how situation is worst than ever before. It have be find in chapter about drug "smuggling", where drug deal from began of 2024, to now stay less for  25 percent, and where is much more chemical substations, than smuggled from abroad. This number have the "key" what open all "doors", where is clear how production, than employed, and BDP now is much than 14 percent less than two years before, and more than 1/3 than  from beginning 2024.

With this numbers, EU in the sphere of war industry come with recession,a crisis where inflation from the October going to be more than 21,3 percent at month level. 

It mean, hyperinflation knocking at the "door", and it be public after several new conferences where the 3/4 of the Planet stay owner of 95 percent all resources. Only what 3/4 of Planet  have plan, and they do, is export former colonial officials to these colonial capital, and after all it mean insecurity, more confrontation in the former colonial power, what have point at i about all WW3.   

Sunday 25 August 2024

Bearns in hotel Yugoslavia

 Two not so smart guys in actually administration have plane to "pick up" Holly Church and make some gains at the route to new crusade war. Sullivan on the side and Bearns at other side try to finished plan to make new war between two denomination in Christianity.

But, after all they have no contact with reality, and they only have intention to serve some who have only way to find money in the pocket of others. And only way for this in the moment they have to create religion wars. 

After they try to make new IS in the Middle East, they now going to make something same in the east Europe, but not only. In Balkan region they try to make some trouble, in activity between Albanian Islamist and others. Both of them make support to this group. 

Yes, even Turks try to make some influence over Islamic Broader, with more money and more other support in some part of the region.What had no real gains at the political and security arena.

In all security activity you have find several intel group, who have some controversial action, but only what they, from west side, want is war like ti was 30 years ago.

Is so foolish when you find that Bosnian minister of defense have close ties with Israel's group, and how he had moves in coordination by MI-5. 

In this contacts he have some information what cause loses in the Islamic Resistance. Of course he did everything to push local ammunition industry to pick up coordination with some what he try to say "strategic partners and ally". He did not saw some activity in the country, like paramilitary groups what had training in several points of south east part of BiH. 

No way to saw how this guys in the training use local population like objects at what they make some tactics and operations in the low profile.

After Serbian security killed prominent Islamist in the region who have regular contact with Brits, an who have several passports with full of diverse identity, at Balkan came Berns. 

In Hotel Yugoslavia, Belgrade, he had negotiation with counterpart from the East. In negotiation with them he try to make some conclusion and deals.

First he try to their officers and soldiers in Russia did not be killed after they have be captured. And to nobody give information of full scale of damage to US side and their allies. 

Second he try to have deal how the East in new scale of confrontation do not going to give more sophisticate weapons to the proxi forces, specially to Houty and Hezbollah. Of course to not be send some long distance rocket, what have range to make trouble to these aircraft groups around Cyprus. But, not only. 

Third he try to make close marks at the local government in several Balkan states, to push them at the close cooperation in what he and Sullivan take activity against others. But, after he found how other side have clear info, about who and what, he stay more nervous, and after all he try to make presence at the Peninsula more invisibility.

Indeed, he try to make pressure at the local governments to they had stop activity of the other side. To push back all point of local sympathy for his enemies. 

He try to close all acts against some individuals and criminal groups, over what some from them side have control. Specially to prohibit activities against some Islamist and some criminal group in the region.What have influence at the drug market into Latin America.

Of course that other side have full info about this persons and how they have possibility to eliminate them in the quick moment if they going to be trouble maker. 

In close contact at the Hotel, these sides try to make secure other how they do everything to protect what they had saw like legitimate interest. In this secret conference, the person from local Bern's ally have only to say how he have no good information about situation in the country, where more than 85 per-cent of army haven't intention to take part of NATO. And how state borders on the east stay full open for more than 2000 immigrants each week to come and stay in the mostly empty near border regions of the country.

In talks he said how "we have full control over suspicion units, and we did everything to make them lock from the others". But he said how they have problem with British what they push at the theater old nationalist like some singers. 

After all, this meeting in Belgrade find how situation in the front is so insecurity for more sides. And how Berns try to make some activity to stop more damage to US Presidency Candidate Kamalla Harris.

Only what we expect is full and quick push back from the Catholic peak, after they find how some want to push them at the tinny ice. Maybe we saw it in Robert's case.  


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Check your bills, before you make a war

 Indeed, what is necessary to happen to someone, somewhere in the some place stay to find how they have  no more money to fight anybody. 

In the reality where they need some acts, where they wait to something,too, only what they have lost money in each minute of last several days. 

If you have position to know how they have losses above 500 million USD each day, when they "try to stop Iran", or what is real to take act against Iranian ally at the whole front from the Pole to Pole, you have information how they did not lost only 3,2 billion in two days at the darkness of stocks, but they have these costs caused in the preparation to be use arms and equipment into next faze of the WWIII.

In this time, they lost not less than 13 billion USD, but in reality, they now have losses what rose at the more than 400 million plus into operations what they take over several fronts,each day.

This number have nothing with some interest moves over fields in the East part of Ukraine, non with so call activity into Kursk region in Russia, but with situation where they have so call contact with Prince of Araby, where they try first to eliminate him, and than now they try to buy him, over their open support to his half broader. 

It was, what they had push in the public sphere, but they had not intention to say how they try to push back Salman's initiatives to more independence to Saudi Araby. 

In reality they took acts against Kingdom's stocks and of course investment in several area, what was political move to make Kingdom independent over oil and energy price. 

But, even they have big assessments, even they took some act into country,too, they had no much success in the place, and now they only have some contacts with same people who have been their contacts with so call IS. Some of them in the security sphere of the Kingdom. 

In contact with them they try to made some acts against Saana and local Hutie movements. With two different groups in total 120 paratroopers and US Marines force. Maine stick in the actions had been IDF 13th Special Air Borne Battalion. No one of the 120 involved in direct action stood allay.But even support units have large losses, even the support ships stay out of use some way in the deep sea. 

In same proposals to make what they have to made, the same staff take acts in East Russia, where they send no less than 3000 IDF parachutes, who had a fist of the blitz krieg into first moves over border in Kursk region. 

In all things came to be lock at the place more Russian forces, before they took activities against main enemies front in Lebanon and Syrian. Where US defend department sent more than 5000 fresh officers and soldiers to take support in acts against someone. 

Of course, that other side stay in contact with reality and how they have move what is not in the plan made some in the Greece base nearest Athena.

 One of operations was coordination "check and kill" operation with RAF forces from Cyprus, US from the naval groups, and of course some part of Israel's ayes at the field. Main target in this action stay their Eminence, and some other political and military persons in the region, but mostly in Lebanon. 

A some things in all of this operations going from bad to worst and back. Even they try to use more security agents in several countries over west, to push out any possibility to public find a truth what happen now. 

Same public wasn't so much interest about war in Gaza, nor interest exist to war in Sudan, where they have plan to eliminate one of the main players. Where they fail and have no point to present success, even they have some gains against Wagner group several hundred kilometers at the west in Sahara desert. 

The fool war is here and nothing have possibility to change the route of it. Yes, several hundred million  stay hit with it, but after all only what they have to do,and what they have in these papers is August,20,2024 when they going to close EU in cocoon.

Nervous and fail have still main point in the war, and now after "their success" in border regions at the Ukraine-Russian border, some thing stay clear. 

For real success you need more power, but more power on one side, have reaction at the other side, where they take asymmetric methods what find some new points in the actual plan. Like bases around Russia, and China, even in the for both country friend neighborhood. 

How all of this had find public, we did not stay to say, and only what we have is possibility to fight our interests. 

Tactic from Athene now have comeback like trap to their whom planed it. And only what have they now is growing costs, in all types. 

Someone must pay it. And it is not the World, but only EU.

In East front now exist more than 20 thousand elite NATO forces, what have main role in least activity. And preparation for silencing Sunny element have any point. What is clear in these losses. And coordination operation for preparation in MSM media.              

Friday 2 August 2024

How Israel stay out of matter

 Time is more interest to be spend in an phrases.

The Word is not so interest place to be move in an emotion belong to death.

 Only what is interest now is so many scares and oppression at the West, specially in the such organization like it is WEF, WB and FR. In these organization stay more problems and no more plans to overthrow situation at the moment. 

In our modern World, where no more exist one center of power, and where is no power in the main stick of these organizations, the blow of democracy more inter and out police and secret services observation have place to move aggression of them to some what they believe that is threat to them. 

In many operation in the several days they use not originally official services, but in this acts they pay and push more over law groups. From the GRU Ukraina and some criminals group from in connection by DIA.  

In modus operandi at the Tehran we had not find some Israeli official group or some alone officer but opposite, we had find some introduction in the smuggler groups, specially the group what have deep connection with Ukraine GPU. And come from the International Brigade, group Bathumi.

Like it had been in operation against former Iranian President, who was killed by same operation group and what pay such five million USD. But, some from the Swiss Alps have not so many knowledge or they was not so smart to find how the money have a legs. 

At these track we have find so many interest message, what had cause that they have involution at so call Olympic Games. Where they put several million USD in propaganda. To present some what with normality have nothing. Nor in culture, but neither in the Games structures.

Their fantasy how they have right to make order in the Word going in last time of their conglomerate named EU. Where inflation even they try to present rose statistic data, broke all over historical record. 

At this message, they only have way to make new big concentration lager EU. Where they first in the time make several type of censorship, and on other way assassination against prominent ant-globalist.

No more they are secure. Their main player in Middle East, Netanyahu did everything against them. Now he only have way to blow more to preserve self at the actually post. 

Doesn't matter if in it some several million Jews left the region. Non is matter if in this operation Great Britain stay in the blood bath at the base in Cyprus. Or if some decide to make finish with monarchy in Jordan. 

No matter, but no matter when they come for two weeks in the public with big bankruptcy in Stockholm and other part of north Europe.

They had believe how they are only had matches in the hands and how they are superior, but now they have clear view what mean when some have delusion.

The war in ME is in the effect, and we have move in the field to blow more than they have to present self how it can be. No Iran, non Lebanon, neither others, but some other, have power to blow up all.           

Friday 19 July 2024

How Rafale planes was discovered reality at EU and around

 A days and nights, years and months, stay away from today, when we said how everything going to be. 

Today, in some time before new rendezvous, we are in possession to make new message, and call many to up rise against new normal modern Nazi regimes who stay in form of so call democracy in many countries all over around the World. 

In day before has start of First game of fame in Paris, we are say how it have not anything with Pierre de Quberten and Olympics manifests from year 1898. Nor it have with sport and neither it have with a peace. 

But it was and now is necessary to old oligarchy in fall state like it now has France. They have interest to present some irrelevant out of public true story, named to be place to fight everybody who had not and have not be incorporate in their needs to lead and live like it had have their fathers.

Olympic games came in the moment where the war in Europe make new violent rank, and where intolerance specially in some old politic class grow. Their nervous and fear, everybody can have smell and see. In operation named "Black Swan" France President try to remove democracy in the way what was never been find in the history. But, after all the "Red Swan" came to be worst to him than previous. Nothing less from it, operation was included some operation in the Balkan area, and have message to all how they are magnificent. With export several dozen "fire fighter" Rafale in the region, specially to Croatia, stay clear how this airplane is insolvent in the some future war. 

Even France Dassault try to presented more specification in blue and with color, where they tell to public how their product is magnificent, the spy system in the region find how it is far from reality. 

This plane need ears and eyes at the battlefield of a future war games in the Balkan. It mean at the territory was build so call light towers. Many of them in the cities and the strategic position, so many build in technology of 5G and  6G, many masked and officially secured by the local militaries and security services.

So many installation cause the shortage in electric energy system and in combination with cam-trail change at the clime. 

These system was used to make change in war against Russia,at way to so many powder was spreed from Frances's military installation in Toulon,Nice and some basses in the Italy around Liguria.

With electromagnetic influence at these powder made from Aluminum Sulfate,glycocite- nitrogen, and phosphorus,what in some way can cause more disease in lung, neurons, and some unspecific cardio modulation. it have the point to be used like arm against someone. No matter if it have going to cause death to civilians on the south east Europe.

A plans exist to be change. And it had been in this case. 

France is part of NATO. NATO was support in all to France. But, at other side was some who are not small country over sea, but strong and powerful military might. 

These might came in counterattack and use same methods what cause in this moment disaster in the south Europe, but more in the middle Europe. The method what they use cause that Dassault planes have no possibility to flight. Than it cause that flights of civil aviation come to be more expensive. Production in agriculture less active, and more of it, their army totally blind.

Today we have see how both, European Football Championship and Olympic Games coming in disaster. Germany have not so much success to finished Championship in self favor. Money is lost, and cost of everything start to be much worst than export of few rocket system to Ukraine.

In Paris we expect much worst scribe shot,scenario where operation "Dragon Red" fight all results.

In the war who is in the field and what cause more than 28 thousand dead and wounded in Poland Army, thousand in France army, and total disaster to ISrael, only what some had to be abnormal did was attack against some politician in USA. And it have be more moron if we have information that it has be local high ranking politician in well connects by ISrael and IS.

After all we not expect to British Army Generals is so foolish to come at the Balkan and they make their  military plan about "Blue Hawk", where they planed to use some part of Muslim population against others, in some so call legitimate operation to salvation of Union of BiH. 

Yes, we know how they have deal by local politician named Helez, who have part in kills of some Resistance commanders, what was payed by drones and special arms to contractor Helez. And if going to be with this person, it would be make from the British Army and/or Resistance. 

The act against Serbian police officer by Albanian smugglers, is part of the Brits plan. Plan to make small victorious war, after fall in the war against East Commonwealth where they have clear and fool support to Nazi. 

Their tool to make troubles to other named EU, after named at the posts  these old family from Ursula to Costa going to be historian past. For this reason here have not place for them, and their Neo-Nazi stile of policy. 

Only ask stay to Pontiff Maximums is he stay in the back of this trivial group?!