Tuesday, 25 February 2025

German Election result

If anybody try to find what mean a democracy in EU, than you have the result of  last parliamentary election in Germany. 

The result have several illogical numbers, and several rounds before it was came official. 

Merz, who try to push narrative how he was won in the election, say nothing about real results of election,where first time after fall of DDR, we have situation that Germany now is divide and split on the same borders what was existed in the history. The mentality of both sides still stay so far each other, and now stay in position where is not possible to made some reforms.

To reformed actual Germany, it must to split this Union at real entity and now is not so far to ask to going to return sovereignty of DDR. 

Merz in self proclamation stay in gap, when he try to stud how he have power to rule over all German's land. He even have not power to rule in the western Germany, former GFR, where he have close clash between north and south. 

The result of elections in Germany, have no point,and real, only change the colors at a political semaphore, where no more green at it, but much more black, what have no point to make promise for German recover. 

Situation at the field stay same like it was previous tree years. Only what have be real is, and what we said previous in the text, that division between two main part of this Germany stay to going to find independent way each side alone for resurrection.

The election result in Berlin, stay final, after tree o'clock in the morning at Monday 24. February, and intervention in the process from the some interest figure from German Bishop Conference. 

It has direct contact at the assassination try against Pope, who was poisoned by nitrogen-klorid dioxide, what in final caused the bread arrest. 

Reason for this stay in position what have had some group in the Swiss alps. What had not so satisfied with Pope theory of Cristian's unity, and brotherhood with other people in the God. 

The guy of Black try to impose more war against what he see like holly war against schism in Christianity, and what is so "quite impossible" to preserve Israel. 

But, we here try to find and present how interest from guy of Black have long fingers in German policy, over that, with policy in EU. Where he has she, to made what he need. 

Merz is only person, with no political integrity, and man who have only command from the hidden person to make export of local crisis in the world. 

More words and actions against everybody who have not same views like this dark entity, more oppression against far left and AfD, is at the agenda what have take in the program of next government, so call political winner Merz.

Real result say how politic arena in the Germany went into two different way, at the right side, and left-far left side of political spectra. It mean, that in this real constellation,  CDU-CSU haven't possibility to make some gain to make even consultation to find new government in German Bundestag. 

After real result in the election, even EU would not find cohesion and resurrection, but near future of this organization would be certain  in the final collapse no far from the end of the summer this year.

It mean that their all plans, all moves, going to be crush and make the crisis in the Europe much worst than any previous.

Trillions of float Euros, million displaced and war what is lost, than would take all dreams off so call future splendid in the so call authoritarian system from the Swiss alps. 

The Nazi priest in Gemany, who support some Nazi elite from Swiss alps, what have connection in South America Nazi lager, supported by British, coming to made everything to push last move against normality. 

For this reason came UN GA last two resolutions, what is in the opposition against UN Chart. 

And what supported to much countries from Europe what have name in this like potential candidate for TheNazification. Stay open that EU now is in the path where they promote and support Nazism. Where is possible to said how German's AfD is Neo-Nazi party, but no body said how so call winner in the election made to much against Constitution and law in previous decade. How their former high officer what now is EU pick women in Commission did in Budweiser and now in EU everything to promote Nazi Eugenic.           


Friday, 7 February 2025

The lessons to Trump

We going to be proud after everything stand at the path what we told, that it would be. And now, everybody have possibility to see what real is presidency of actual President of USA. He is in basic showmen and person who had capability to made bankrupt tree time, and after all he was in the position to start not from the zero, but from the hundred millions.

How it was possible, in country where no place for persons who lost a business opportunity and who have business broke. 

Now, he in this, mean at the President of USA, he is in same position like than, and he start in rule over the States at the same way what he had in these business losses. 

He is in the position to make more action what from him demand his so call political creditors, what come form same places what he try to destroyed in the first mandate. The persons who came in his new cabinet is mostly person what have clear and unpopular connection with same Zionist agents in US. And who are not in place to take actions in the line of US President's policy, but to take everything to restore what they have in the past, and it is full domination over policy in the States.

Yes, they do some promises to give more credibility to the inter-America relation, but in policies out of it they do what they know the best. Cheating, stole, killing and cleansing. 

Only what they try to make different from the previous administration is transparency. In this way they have plan to be more open, more active,and to make more with other's hand. 

Like it is actually plan of Gaza. It is clear ethnic cleansing plan, but in reality it is plan found and created several years ago, before started "upraise of Gaza", when Israel had created "resistance cells in Gaza".

In this plan they had intention to move all Palestinians from the Strip, and  reopen new haven for mostly bestiary rich person from the west, after full destruction and depopulation in the Strip.

In this moment,after Zionist loose the war in Gaza, and after stay open way to say everybody about IDF fail, what cause that Israel step up in the Nazi similar system, built by lies, hates, full censoring, and miss interpretation, plan is active, but the plan must present somebody eles, somebody who not had contact, we know that it is lie, with construction in the plan. Plan how to make Israel the Great. 

But, in moment when Trump find in the paper how US had heavy loses in the war to created Israel Great Again, and how some brigade miss into Pentagon register, and how some arms from the east Europe came into ME, than he have only way to say something, but nothing correct for anybody.

To Zionist he said something, but he did not say what and who?! To Arabs, he did not say who it going to pay it,and similarly previous obstacles with Zionist, he did not said what have be with Palestinians. 

In both cases he did not said what he have against UN Chart, but after he try to make actions against ICJ, it mean how he is at the path to remove US from the Organization, and step up self order in the international relations.

Decision to broke order into Panama and Colombia, exactly explained what he have in the mind. 

Might of US Arms, the glory of the brave US sailors and soldiers in the small wars near domestic border, is in his mind, and only way after what he going to speaking to the domestic public about US supremacy. 

But, in moment when he came in the reality to implement it, like it is in the ME, he came at the Wall, and he have no plan, a crucial plan, who would pay all of it?!  

To Gaza he need new/old Abraham Agreement, what have plan to restore Palestine in the deserts of some part of Arabia. Like it had been with US Indians two centuries ago. 

Now after, war is lost for not only Zionist, but even for him, he have no money to pay all from this Accord. And he still need more than trillion USD to stop domestic economic and social implosion.

It mean how he need more than tree trillion USD from same person what he called several years ago, "bastard and butcher".

To SA it is huge money, and they have no plan to give it, even US step up in the confrontation against them. Opposite of it, they did everything to removed ass from the US dept chair, and put more money into new security haven.

Without money and Army, the actual President have only time to talk everything to everywhere. Like it said today his Zionist bomb women into Baadbaa to Lebanon. 

She said how war is not over, not than Israel and US stay full winner into it. And how they have plan to next ethnic cleansing with Shia population in Lebanon. 

In same minute, in coordinated operation, NATO take activity into and around Lebanon, violating truce and all resolution from UN. 

Even it haven't power to remove wish of all in the Lebanon to stay close and  make final gain against aggressors.

After all, they now have full protection and support from the Holly Churches. What mean that Trump have now open wound at the US body. And he must step down in the Zionist plan, if he have conduct  to return the support  to the main sponsor. 

With to much sponsors, from far right to Church, he have only way to talk and scribe so much, but effect of all have be really close to null. 

If he want to make America Grate Again, he must really take reset for all post into US administration, and now is open view how he in full loop try to not take acts against some crucial crisis maker in US, arms dealer, arms stockpile, arms industry and pharmaceutic companies.

He has only idea, how he going to stop the war in former Ukraine, but after he came into active papers he and some others around him, fine how Russia has right to remove Nazism from the Europe, Ukraine in totally. And how he have only two ways, to still support the war, and in very soon he is coming ridiculous. Out of actual public support and open to be remove from the breath.

If he want to stay alive and progressive in the rule, he must stay at the preliminary proclamation given in  the election eve. 

Finally he must learn something from the papers what he peak up tree days ago. He must learn who is real ruler and owner of  the Planet. Like it find former NATO Stoltenberg.


Thursday, 30 January 2025

BITCOIN is economic thermometer and timer

 In this time when you have a open civil war in US, what cause more casualties and full fight all against all, and when is published  only few words, and nothing about reality in the street. 

In reality, the all things what we had to heard from inauguration to today is more credibly to say, look like fight two America, over same interest, but in two different way. 

In first, former administration leaded by two, Blinken and Sullivan stay the way to formed more and more instability in the whole Planet. They did to much to be say like it was some misconduct, with to much moves against UN Chart, and too much against universal international law.

Other side, leading by Trump try to move everything on the other way. They do everything to remove what they see like instability and national treat against US, on the way what cause more instability inside former political and other elite.  

But it have same way, where both want to take a pick of the Planet's power and might.

Both of them have same problem, and this have present in the economy, which is in huge declination, and where they have no place out from the US with current production.

Inflation is so high, the economy is in growing depending from import from the near abroad, and where is not so possible to be it subsidiary by US products, which have no place to grow in terms out of GMO.

Domestic food programs have same signature like it was in previous administration, controlled from the super conglomerates which had plan from 2016 to take whole agriculture industry in these hands. 

In support with public agencies, and with bank order, too much farmers step out from production, an it was not cause some best to the US economy. 

Opposite, more and more, US stay out from the international markets, where today full control have states member of BRICS or their partners. Reason is in production, what stay much more natural in this countries, and what have direct effect to sell their product in these markets at whole Planet. 

Same step up with Argentina, where this GMO production cause much troubles to local economy, and cause that without support from the former US administration, they stay in the limb of bankruptcy. Even they had it, now they have stay like example to Trump, what he going to expect in the near future if they take same methods like it was took ridiculous in Buenos Aires. And who openly expect full economic support from actual administration, what in final going to cause more trouble to Trump personally.

No one want to be feeding with poison, and more and more countries try to find some truly best to self citizens.

Dollar in this constellation from 2018 lost all liability, and each new year the most powered money stay the wheat, and food. Real food, good food. 

Out of real production, out of possibility  to made guaranties to food not be cause to whole growing illness, US basic economy today is out of any possibility to put more than local market in a function. 

Or, they have possibility to push it at the market of the Ally, but in case where they have not so happy that they have somewhat is not so funny to be eat. 

In this case, ten years ago, the some US Agencies try to prevent what they saw at same way, what we  describe in previous paragraph of this text. 

They imaginary money without money and created BITCOIN! Money what was presented like out of any control, and money what had made an owner in the virtual wallet gave them a more independence.  

Like each innovation, even this innovation stay out of founder control, and from 2018 stay graveyard for their economy. BITCOIN step up in the China's hands and from this time, the so call mining to bring more crypto currency, cause that not only this so call money stay viral but, several other take the stake of the market. 

BITCOIN stay main part of crypto currency market, with main base in the states what now create BRICS. Main mines was in this states, what reason was cheapest price of electric energy. 

But, the history have some shadow at all. This stay in the position  that this so call money now is out of control, and now have some interests weight. 

First, what new President of US try to do, is new redefinition of the crypto currency, what he presented new currency, what had not so big impose in the market.

It was clear, how he is clear in the mind who is real master at the Planet's market,and who have power to make changes even in the US.

Here we are not in tirade, to make demagogy, but to find what was the BITCOIN?! And why this so call money fixed reality in the so call G-7 countries. Specially in the States.

When you take history of BITCOIN, than you find how growing of it, is close with US declination.

Reality stay that price of these so call money stay in the situation at the street in US, and in the inflation what have more than 62,9 percent in these commons goods prices. 

Today, the intention of new administration to "rebuild" US and make it again great, with methods what cause loses of cheep payment workers, mostly illegal emigrants, and most employed in food industry, cause new spiral of price, and inflation which cause more and more bankruptcy in the small and micro industry owners. 

At the other way, the possibility to take some acts in stabilization at the market, over intervention in public workforce, have not so much well results. It in finale going to resulting more penalty in an courts and riots what have take new scale in the civil war what is ongoing in the streets. 

The way to more money stay in the pocket and be save for some better reason, now is in deep imagination. A delusion of  the quartet, who now stay a part of new administration, have devastation weight more than 1,34 trillion USD  losses. And it was disclose day before yesterday, when market create reality. 

But, reality stay in the books what Melania have in the posses in intermediate between two administration, where was exposed that real dept of US is 43 trillion, and how losses from last months of 2024 grow more than 1,54 trillion USD.

All of it cause that price of BITCOIN rocketed and now have indeed historical level. 

Heating of US economy is like stamped of bulls,and more and more person and entity try to escape it. Only quick way stay to money transform in the bits, but it mean how control of all step up at the other side. And how it be last nail in the coffin of the dominance from the West.

From the money what had been planed to be control tool over markets and economies, but even more like arms in the such hands, now stay thermometer what present the heat in the former main economies at the Planet.

Inflation above 87,35 percent in EU, to common goods, and China's industry expand over new markets, out of the West control, with India in the path out of former colonialist owner, produce what have more and more space in the Africa and common south, take action in the Federal Reserve and ECB out of mind.

It have nothing with capitalism, and only have place to say that it is same what had been founded by Elisabet I of England. Of course, it was clear explained with election new NATO General Secretary, the man who was prime-minister who implement the state action against private owners, mostly local farmers. In ridicules predict how the import from markets out of EU can take several goals. And what now cause growing inflation, with tectonic damage in whole Europe.

In EU now stay more than 3 trillions Euro out of support at the market, and even stay it, and inflation is growing, ECB made cuts of interest rates. Comment than came from BITCOIN.

But what would be BITCOIN  if stay out of electricity?!

Or what have guarantied that everybody have place to take the self wealth from the market?!

Indeed, more questions in confrontation what grow in the minutes, and cause that so call democratic EU painted self more and more like totalitarian and unfortunately possible not exist entity. 

G7 if you want to take a read BITCOIN now have four bankruptcy: Japan, Italy,France, Canada. And Three entity at the same path. Where UK is close to expose bankrupt in next week. US and German is in close fight, where Germany try to sell everything to the other side, only in the way to stop what local elite find like extreme right rise. But, US opposite try to take control in this process and take most part of this slice in the self dominance. 

BITCOIN is at the path to be demolition with implosion of all. The Trump's wish to take out America from the global war, is out of reality if he have not take full control over local Army complex. Where is the reason and instruments for many thing. 840 billion all of it.        





Thursday, 16 January 2025

Who want to be president of Lebanon

 In a history have exist some times when only one move had changes the way of historian moves. Like it was in 9th January and election of the President of Republic of Lebanon.

The election process was implement to be a corner stone of the biggest operation. The operation what have intention to promote so call victory of NATO and Zionist entity in the idea how it necessary to remove so call Axis of Resist from the politic theater in whole region of ME.

Everybody, from all sides see at last moves in the war between Hezbollah and Zionist saw master defeat of one against other, and believe how Zionist entity still have full right to do what they did in the past. 

But, from began we had full intention to promote how reality is absolute different than it was expected from all.

Now, after all, we have elected President of Lebanon and we have that it election has nothing with expectation of the main power in the operation to incursion Zionist, Israel in bigger than it was any time before. The British government invested more money, more influence to defeat what they saw treat to their interest in the ME.

They took operation to successfully improve mostly christian community and various sects to move in demand to stop the war against aggression from the West,and to made more pressure to local community,for isolation  each who stay in confront of the enemy. 

The Brits take, with French hands, notorious fascist in Lebanon, from the far right Lebanon forces to move  success liberation war in full disaster. With grow tension in Lebanon. 

Yes, they had anti-Zionist rhetoric, in total intention of them stay way to help NATO to remove what they saw a structure anomaly in the society.

The intention of them stay point to provoke sectarian war in Lebanon, in prediction how specially Shia movements had not been cooperative with Lebanon, and how they had been took a force to stand in the full "protection of Iranian interests".

For this reason they stood in contact with various elements from the Lebanon Army. After all they had contact and dialog by General Aoun, and they had took promises from them and other element from security forces how they was ready to make action if the Hezbollah came with military demand against "main will of the Lebanon people". In all operation with the army, full participation take deputy secretary for intelligence and security in British government, who already have point for communication in the British military bases at the Cyprus. 

At the table was millions of pound and so much other assets to help, to figures included in the process to easily made decision. Indeed they at the end of the process step up with treat against some Lebanon Army officers, including the Commandant of all Army forces. MI & and and, step up with promises how they took action to give a coordinates which Israel could took with shelling Lebanon Army Command. 

Other, from the Lebanon Forces have case to push against a families of them. 

About it,was informed notorious Sammir from LF from the top of Maronite Church. After their intervention notorious Sammir step back and push in the front doter-in-law. He only take media conversation over MTV and try to spread theories promoted from the London and Paris. 

He, and other in the "coalition" made from same group who made possible to HTS terrorist took the governance in Syria, try to finish "reform" of Lebanon.

But, after Nabir stay in front with them with the date 9th. January 2025, they step up to finished what they had saw like self success plan in which is include Lebanon Army High Command. 

The date for presidential election was came, and the "implementation" group was in the start line to make action after Shia Muslim representatives and other liberation group start riots against predominately support candidate to post of the President. 

Even, Shia Muslim and other liberation group said how in the way was military coup against Lebanon and their interest, they did nothing what was expected from the"implementation group".

Opposite, after first round of vote, and brief consultation, in second vote, main candidate was elected with 3/4 of the all Parliamentary. But it was not full shock to the "implementation group". 

They stay out of mind after General Aoun inauguration speech. 

Even now they have no words to explain what was happen, and who was overthrow whom. Specially, they stay concerns from close cooperation between Maronite Patriarch and Saudi Crown Prince. 

In confuse step up signals how even Vatican have operation to remove British influence in the new challenge at ME. 

Full expectation stay out after elected President nominate to Prime Minister former Judge from ICJ, who was involved in prosecution against Israel and Netaniahu. It was not be in implementation plan. 

Yes , always Lebanon liberation moves stay rhetorically against  everything in Lebanon today, but after all it is only smoke to mask reality. And reality is far from what MI & have for four years. 

The election of the President of  Republic of Lebanon came like mile-stone new and quick changes in the area. Sectarian war not exist, confrontation is mostly in the politic arena, and only tensions still exist in the relation against Zionist. 

New Prime minister of Lebanon government is men who have some means, and plans, but who have no political rhetoric, and who have no such pleasant to move easy in place like it is Lebanon. 

He is much more men who have some mission to make revenge against somebody who  in the past take action against him and his familiarly. 

For this reason he is like walking bomb, with whom Lebanon Army must be possible to hand control. To prevent some broke in the nearest future, specially after find how he is out of the local reality. 

To Lebanon President situation is so hard, delicate, and he must take position what was expected from most part of Lebanon. But, if you take some measure to solve the local problems, you must be virtuous to still stay the hope for all in country with so many differences.

General Aoun has knowledge how so call implementation group do not stay out of their main goals, and how it can be dangerous for Lebanon which he made in past eighth years. With re-composition security and army forces. With Liberation groups incorporated in the Army structures, and with new General Directorate for Security.

It was so hard to move all danger from salvation project opposite from ex colonial power plans. 

He was guy how actively supported from Hezbollah and previous governed groups, and who had several success wars against many enemies, from Nato in 2019, HTS same period, and now Israel.

And now is clear, how he had came in the military coup, but not like it was presented Hezbollah, but in opposite, like it was planed years before in these local elites.                                       

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

2025 and WWIII

 New 2025 was there and now everybody try to find some for somebody, but mostly expect to be moderate in the best, not worst.

In only few days at the end of previous year, the World was changed and now all Planet is in new reality in which nothing is same like it was.

Only several hours after celebrations of New Year ceremonious all around the Planet, stay clear how situation for main players stay worst than before. Specially for this whose try to painted them selves like pure democrats, what have only right to made rules in the relationship around the Planet. 

But, after start of WWIII almost three years ago, and after in this war Zionist made Genocide against people in around their concentration camp named Israel, the whole atmosphere in the area stay much predictable than ever before. And we had power to control all conversations in all places at the Planet. 

We aren't now here to make prediction what can be, but to say what some of main players try to do or they did in  the past. 

Now, two weeks before formal inauguration the new President of USA, he make decision what going to be strong ˝earthquake˝ in global political relation, not only in US policy, what have strong prediction to be at the brink of the "civil" war in nearest years. 

New chef of main US intelligence service, yes, notorious CIA stay man who has close tide with Russia, and who was much more involved in Mr Trump inventory what was cause his losses at the elections fourth years ago. 

New big director of magnificent Company, stand in the previous period like one of the most prominent redactor of US policy, and one of most influential person in DC. His comments and theories found more than dozen million subscriber, eminent the Agency workers,too. And his information have more disaster point at the ongoing administration, specially to Anthony and Jack, who have fears that new administration has much worst documented crimes than they previous believed. 

Even new administration came at these names what cause in the public more questions than answers, it was only smoke to prevent so call hardest hawks in Republican Party. Main point for new administration stay situation in the black market at the intelligence and military, where the previous investigation fine how some paid someone to did everything against the Constitution,election before.

Most papers in the investigation of former team and now new administration member, stay former Tedi Bear, and second black American in position of Secretary of Defense, after he found that he is serious ill. Tetra-bites came in poses of these what have real questions who four years ago take operation  "Green Hill" or "Appalachian" and made overthrow the democracy, but more who was overthrow first  to people like former Chef of US military general staff. 

Many questions going to be put even him, to tell to all what he take from the some to move operations in the total disaster for US and NATO, even ten years from the US military came messages and documents how they have no power to take such operation against even better equipped and educated army in the World. What found,that  military bases over whole planet was founded to made more money in hands of several people, where trillions had been lost. 

Now, after disaster in ME, and Zionist surrender to the EC and their local companions, stay clear how the numbers from the both Agency and Pentagon have more criminal charges than process against Al Capone or  Lucky Luciano. 

Than we now expect to new US General Attorney stay in the start line ready to make a history. 

In operation named, and lead from Anthony, US lost enormous amount, lost of credibility at the Planet, and now close to be call to International Court of Justice in co-charges against humanity, alongside by France, UK, and Poland.   

Today, after find how we had full information about Syria, and how we have full information about operation in East Europe, what planed to start several days before inauguration in DC, and what Anthony find name, we expect to FBI take operation named Green Baron. All in coordination with Defense Intelligence Agency. But even DEA we expected in several countries in EU and in Zionist entity.

Now we are going to take a juice and place near informers, to looking at all, what going to be coming in several weeks. 

The former President for this reason going to be in Vatican, to prevent to be restore at the atoms, before he left the position. And to find support to not be punish for all what there exist in the files. 

Pope after he found that he was target in several attacks,now is not so quite to take responsibility for it and he going to prevent Anthony and Jack in their plan to eliminate Christians from ME and Ukraine. 

About HE told in the previous Urbi et Orbi. 

The leaders of Eastern Commonwealth, after negotiation in Vatican in their New Year's messages stay open and not so hard against other side, but much preliminary oriented at the domestic relations and people success, health and wealth. The war now is not so common, but never-mind, it have be necessary to prevent more worst and evil what was plan in some places like Davos or Maastricht.  

Happy new year, 2025!           

Monday, 23 December 2024

In time of Christmass, EU Commission stay main devil to Pope

 The leader in top of EU is total Nazi orientated people, who no empathy to others especially against Muslim and Christians who believe different faith of them. 

We had been informed in began of so call pandemic crisis in 2020 what real plan they had, and how they are at the path to make same what did their grandparents in Nazi Germany or in other Fascist and Militarist Japan. 

Their plan have main gain on the elimination of not necessary population like it is disables, ills, older, persons with special needs, and other minorities groups, mostly in religious. Plan to be reopen system of concentration camps in whole EU and cooperative state, include to people be forcefully injected with something what they, politicians, gone to promote like something what is necessary to health protect for whole population.   

Main promoter in it was Urslula von den Liden, with their connection by the same groups from Israel who have main stake of actions in company in which worked her husband, and where their family have small part of amount. All other was history, which wait to be prosecuted in a court. 

In stage from 2020 to 2022/23 year the EU commission make more acts against both the Lisbon's Treaty, and a laws in member states, but even they did crimes against humanity with their big role in Ukraine bio labs, and chemical labs, where they take open and in UN Chart prohibited experiments at a human in vivo. 

Whole operation had been incorporated with the local institutions and organization, who had more than two thousand employer. Whose evacuated in the several EU countries less than four weeks after Russia open specially military operation. 

In over 320 cites all around Ukraine the eminent EU insurgents make these terrible experiments, whose involved experiments at the pregnant woman and psychically ill. 

Industry of human organ execution was predictably in the hand of prominent Turkish butchers who take everything what was necessary to prominent markets. Transplantation industry from 2015 to 2023 had main grow, and that was promoted in main mass media, with open support in EU Commission. And even now it dip depend in these war casualties in the east.   

Where several persons, have deep blood hand in all. But not only, several so call forever EU Parliament member, who was in the Parliament role to promote all, and take actions to prohibited all questions about legality of all. 

2022 was critical for all reason. In EU, the Commission had plan to step in broke new rules, who had plan to removed what they saw like unnecessary population in EU. And to open new genocide in east Ukraine. To make two big gains, make more money in transplantation industry and in energy equipment. 

In operation "Diablo Sword" they invested more than 5,72 billion Euro. All was supported by 200 thousand Ukraine's soldiers, with 25 thousand NATO soldiers, and more than 60 thousand mercenaries.

Whole operation was planed to be finished to two months, without involved Russia. But, all stay in history. 

EU Commission had nothing in success, even they stolen or they tried to stolen some Russian assets, but after they take opposite actions from Kremlin, whose step up over more than 300 billion Euros in different assets from EU member states to EU came disaster and economic instability. 

This wrong programed plans, cost EU 758 billion Euros, which EU Central Bank pumped into all, and what caused crush at all in the Union. Where four prominent Countries broke legs in the economic catastrophic results, whose crush stocks, and broke industry.

Main problem for EU stay in the dept, who was for this four country 125 to 250 percent highest than BDP. What mean how they are in bankrupt.

EU try to promoted so call green agenda. But this agenda was improved in plan to energy, specially electric energy going to coming from Ukraine nuclear facilities. Most of this energy,even the Commission tried to made a proclamation, how Earth is in the global warming, even it was not be possible to science proof,used in war terminology against common people.

For some reason over EU, the Commission made 360 special projects, who had plan to make more natural, new climate change in Europe, and the Planet. For it, they in last two years take stake of 280 gigawatt hours each month, average.

After Russia crushed electric energy in Ukraine, and after she going to stop transport of east oil and gas to EU, in Europe finally came a real cold and full winter clime. But, we expect more. End we find how is necessary to EU be out of all energy from the east, but mostly in Ukraine and Syria. 

All activity from EU Commission caused big losses, and what is main goal, open the path to EU come in UN Constitution like Nazi Germany. To be forbidden, like extremist ideology and program against humanity. Specially after find how this so call green agenda caused dead more than 36 thousand alder people in each big country, mostly at the Union south.

All this was put at the table, after EU killed Russian general,  who was involved in investigation against the Commission crimes over humanity, specially after the top leader of EU find guilty in complicity crime against Pope.

Everything stay clear after actually NATO Secretary find guilty in criminal acts against private propriety in Nederland,and after find how he take some actions in the country who have be prosecute like crimes against humanity. The guy came in the post, after he broke even main rule in capitalism-that private owner is so call God, and propriety main sanctity. And after he woke up against social security system and states contributes to people in need, and ask more money from it to production of arms and an army costs.

EU take control over NATO in plan to make more war rhetoric in the EU, and reason stay in huge inflation, more than 72 % in personal cost of life, what they try to solve at way what they tested in Scandinavian states, with no money market, or electronic money. What caused to local economy loose many markets abroad, and they have depreciation  of  local Krone. More people stay out of real life, and huge instability in these communities. Cost of life, social insecurity, lost of job, and grow of crime, with poverty take place in social changes at Scandinavia. 

To EU, it mean how experiment is lost and how they only have place to make same to the end. Or to Ukraine do not signed act of capitulation. Even they had took place near notorious terrorist and Islamist extremists, but even worst with Zionist against all others who not necessary to their energy security. Not it really depress if they sell local Christian communities to them companions.    

Actual EU Commission must be, with most prominent element in so call EU Parliament put into court and sentenced like notorious Nazi leader century ago.              

Sunday, 15 December 2024

THS is nothing but MI6 clone

 After all what we predicted, and after all came to be, now is to much trouble to all to present to self and whole world what was happen in Syria!?

And now all is clear, for us. 

Even some part of these actions was gone, and after several actors fail in the history, now is totally clear that so call operation made from Mi6 have nothing than new and big headache to their creators. 

It's so embarrassing  to them when they stay in line with HTS terrorist in front  of the East Commonwealth base, or at the way where the column with Russian equipment and other going to be fixed in some of their posts around province Lataqia. 

After they had not find main goals, massive fight between East Commonwealth and HTS or other so call opposition's groups in Syria, now they try to find something to present to the western auditorium how Russia and East Commonwealth fled, humiliated from what they present liberate territory.

Never mind that so call liberators killed, abducted and desecrate churches, mosques and other temples from non Sunni groups into former Syria. 

No British, nor  American MSM take real picture from the scene, and only what they have stay to find so call western success into fight against others. 

But, after all, they have say nothing about real disaster in operation named "Aladdin Lamp", where Ukraine has take nothing from arms and equipment from former SAA. East Commonwealth  is so pleased by action of Zionist, who crush all plans from MI6 and their servants from Ukraine's GRU.

Zionist take several days to find how they make big mistake, and how their presents of situation with SAA arms is long from reality, after found how their make role in TSH growing. And specially after their boss stay clear how they have same  enemies with theorist. 

Two Nazi regime have nothing different but hate against others and only what they have is long dream how they going to make big role in energetic and mineral supply to the west. 

But, after minister Hakan find how his role in all was declassified , he is find that he is MI& agent, and how he has big pressure at the Turkish military, even they said, "how they have no time to spent in this delusion in Syria". 

Specially after top generals find how regime topple in Damascus going to make "open door" to new independent Kurdistan. What in finish would take 1/3 of Turkey.

They try to stop all process and they try to say it not only Erdogan but even to the East Commonwealth, in hope that someone tried to stop it in the minute. 

No one had intention to prevent it. East Commonwealth found reason in interior division, corruption and lack of a reforms. NATO try to make gains, and they had foolish perspective how they should stuck the East Commonwealth in battle against so call opposition. 

Turkish establishment find how is so critical to them to promote, and lead action in Syria, after was found how their role in oil and gas robbery is at end. And how they have no more fresh money for their broke economy. 

New, and old plan to Muslim Brotherhood make connection between two states who are in this ideology, about pipeline to the west, they find like help desk. 

At the same way is Zionist regime, who try to make some presence in all, maybe control over some part. Because they came in Syria, not because they have some fear against HTS, who we said it was and is their child. 

Turkey's Erdogan have problem in the family, whose continually use Zionist oil transport companies to sell stolen oil from Syria mostly in Italy and Balkan states. Where is Croatia main hub for it. 

Even we had information about that, we had not be so secure how his didn't something in favor to Palestinians. Zero point that he is leader at the Brotherhood parliamentary party in Turkey. 

Hakan at the other way with their presents Kurds in Syria, at the same way like it make Zionist with Palestinians, find how Turkish Fascism is hand by hand with Zionism. 

His great speeches. and so call accusations against East Commonwealth step down after he find that plan "Brotherhood pipeline" is over, before it built. 

East Commonwealth with only two sentence to the Qatar Emir, how they have plan to blowing up small Emirates if he going to be in final deal with Turkey and Zionist, or if someone try to use their military bases against some part of the Commonwealth. 

Second blow, come only few moments after find how, so call SAA equipment was gone in the wind, and how Zionist entity, read RAF make more than 472 flights over Syria, much more than they had in the plan. 

Specially, after they find how so call basses had only old, and irrespective arms and other military needs.

Have you any vision how was face of the Zionist Commander after he informed from his man, that they had not found even small peace of food in these bases. Nor they found Russian flavor, or something else, end how is possible that they stay out of real supply for next year. 

It was reason why Jack Sullivan came into visit to Zionist entity, and his panic face in press conference after it.  

Or his conversation with CNN and MBCS where he was insist that their reporters find and present some big against former Syrian regime. Even it mean lies and notorious constructions.  

On other way they must present all activity of East Commonwealth in Syria like lack of success, some surrender.  

He and Blinken was author of order to US Central Command to make action at the field. What was stopped from elected President in the minute, because both of them take part in comic talks with main looser.

Now is only one question, is new administration in the ties with Kremlin over situation in Syria, specially because they have same gain, to stop pipeline in the ME from Qatar, for same reason, market control. And does they take some actions to protect ally Kurd in Syria?

TSH is only few different groups, what have nothing same and nor unite ideals. They even have more fear from Taliban, and their connection by the East Commonwealth, after Kabul operate by information about cooperation and plans in Syria between TSH, Turkiye supported group to make more blood, and actions against Christians, Druze, Alavit and Kurds, in cooperation with Brits, Zionists,Jordanians Bedouins, USA IS.  And who is realy Jabany!?     

In East Commonwealth local reporters, and analytics try to said how they lost in the some what wasn't battle. How they are lost control over ME, and how they are in retreat from Syria, even no info about that. To much media confusion, like fog at the battlefield.

The only war between NATO and East stay in fabrication of new, and try to with it make some wrong conclusion and gains at the other side. Real battle has no place, and stay only in stand by mode. 

Libya is next.